MyAirShield — protection against viruses, bacteria and germs

Dr. Medi­men­tum
Acti­ve clea­ning of the air with MyAir­S­hield MyAir­S­hield is worn around the neck and increases […]

Participation in medical studies

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynä­ko­lo­gie Cha­ri­té — Universitätsmedizin
The tre­at­ment results for mali­gnant tumors have impro­ved con­si­der­ab­ly in recent years. Cli­ni­cal stu­dies are […]

Studies — Why studies are so important for patients

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynä­ko­lo­gie Cha­ri­té — Universitätsmedizin
Why stu­dies are so important for pati­ents and how to pro­per­ly inform yourself. Cli­ni­cal studies […]


Kai Schmal­stieg
by dataloft Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty & data pro­tec­tion starts with saving dataloft is one of the most […]